Friday, March 25, 2016

Feeling Discouraged

I feel pretty discouraged today with the whole buying/selling process.  I won't go into all of the details, but right now I feel like I was misled and given false information.  If it turns out that even more information has been withheld or falsified, this whole move will fall apart and we'll be stuck here.  I won't even think about what that would mean to me, but let's just say that it wouldn't be pretty.  I need to try and remember that there are always options, and never just one path to reach your goal.  If we want something badly enough (and we do!), we will find a way to make it happen no matter who helps us get there.

So, I will dig deep and somehow rustle up the motivation to keep this process moving forward.  "Eye On The Prize" and all of that stuff, right?  I hope to have another update soon that is more positive than this one, but I needed to vent a bit.  Thank you for listening :-)


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